

学生 are expected to maintain the following minimum academic performance standards:

成功完成至少66项任务.67% of all courses attempted following initial enrollment.
 Maintain an overall GPA of at least 2.00(平均成绩C)

If a student fails to maintain an overall GPA of 2.00美元,4美元.00 system), his/her enrollment category is changed to probationary.


1. Academic Probation – A student is classified as on Academic Probation when one or more of the following three conditions apply (Link the bulletin here):

1) the cumulative AU GPA falls below 2.00,
3) a combination in a semester of three or more of Withdrawals (W), 不完整的(我), 或低于C的成绩.

2. UG Academic Dismissal – 学生 are subject to academic dismissal from the University in one of the following ways (Link the bulletin here):

1) Earning during a given semester a GPA of 1.25人或以下
2) Two consecutive or three total semesters on academic probation
3) Violations of the Academic Integrity Code as outlined in the bet365中文大学 Academic Integrity Policy
4) 学生 may also be dismissed from a department or program if the specific requirements for a degree are not met by that individual.

How to contact the undergraduate academic probation counselor regarding the AP hold (Academic Probation hold)

请给太太发邮件。. 斯图尔特智妍(jiyeons@andrews).edu) or call 269-471-6205 and leave a voice message.
 Please include your name and AU ID number in the email and when leaving a voice message.
 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, meetings will not be in person. All meetings will occur via Zoom and must be scheduled ahead of time.

Advising/咨询 for students on Academic Probation

 Academic advisor – 学生 need to consult with their academic advisor about the academic courses to plan for a specific degree they pursue and the courses to register prior to each semester.
 本科 Academic Probation Counselor – During a semester, the academic probation counselor will meet with students on Academic Probation regularly to assist, help and keep them accountable for their academic        success on time management, organization skills or other issues that may interfere with their academics.


1) How do I check my academic standing?

Please check on iVue for academic standing and click on View Holds. 如果你被留校察看, your academic standing should say Academic Probation and you have an AP hold on View holds.

2) I don’t understand why I am on Academic Probation.

A student is classified as on Academic Probation when one or more of the following three conditions apply:

     • a combination in a semester of three or more of Withdrawals (W), 不完整的(我), 或低于C的成绩.

You should click on View University 学习成绩 on iVue to check if you have three or more of low grades (C-, D, F, W, I), your semester GPA and AU cumulative GPA.

3) My iVue says that I have Good Academic Standing. 为什么我有AP hold?

There have been some errors on AU system. Though your iVue says Good Academic Standing, you might have three or more low grades (C-, D, F, W, I) or your GPA is lower than what AU policy says. You should check your grades and GPA to make sure that things are correct for you on View University 学习成绩 on your iVue.

如课程未完成, academic standing will have to be updated manually by 学习成绩 Office once the final grades are submitted and posted. The final grades will decide whether the student will be on Good Academic Standing or Academic Probation. Please contact the undergraduate academic probation counselor with the inquiries.

4) 我有一个AP hold and I can’t register for classes.

请勾选“View hold”. If you have an AP hold there, please contact Mrs. 斯图尔特智妍(jiyeons@andrews).edu, 269-471-6205) or 学生成功中心 (success@e-bunka.com, 269-471-6096) with your name and AU ID number. You will need to schedule a meeting with the 本科 Academic Probation Counselor. Once your meeting is scheduled, you will be able to register. The meeting can be scheduled beginning August for Fall Semester and January after New Year’s Day for Spring Semester. 一旦会议安排好了, your AP hold will be moved so that you can register for the upcoming semester.

5) 我有一个AP hold and would like to register for more than 12 credits. 我该怎么做呢?

You will need to contact 学生成功中心 or the 本科 Academic Probation Counselor if you know the direct contact information. You may be eligible to register for 13 credits. More than 14 credits will need Dean’s approval.

6) 我有一个AP hold. 我该如何去除它?

It takes one semester of a full time student status. This means that students needs to register for at least 12 credits and pass most classes with a Semester GPA of 1.76 or higher and AU cumulative GPA of 2.0或更高. Your academic standing will be changed to Good Academic Standing then.